(SPAM) Scholarship By Modi In The Name of Kalam and Vajpayee
This is fake. The post is circulating with a URL which is totally different from what the post claims. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Please inform all parents of 10th and 12th passed children or those writing this year and waiting for results. There is a scholarship scheme by our PM Narendra modi in the name of Abdul Kalam and vajapeyee. for students scoring more than 75% Who will get Rupees 10,000/ These forms r available in the muncipal corporation . Pls do not ignore . For 12th std ,above 85% its Rupees 25000 Frwd in all our grps. Someone somewhere needs it…lets come forward to share and make them gain….so..plzz website link to download application http://www.desw.gov.in/scholarship
The post and website information are totally different. Post talks about scholarship scheme by PM in the name of Abdul Kalam and Valpayee for students of 12th STD whereas the link is about Scholarship for family of Ex-Servicemen for Professional Degree courses for which also the last application date was in November 2016. This is hence classified as SPAM.
Post Date: 19 March 2017
Post ID: #67252
Verification Volunteered by: Ceejo Thomas
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