(SPAM) Plastic Egg or Chinese Egg In Circulation At India
This is a hoax. The tests done of the so called plastic eggs were found as real but rotten eggs. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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There has been many posts circulating which claims that Plastic/Fake/Artificial/Chinese Egg has been in circulation in India.
One of the major stories during 2016 on artificial egg was on 14th October 2016 at Kerala. As said in the article below, there were a large section of credulous people in Kerala who bought the factory-made egg story without an iota of doubt.
Quoting from The Hindu Article at the link given below:
However, the food safety authorities said it was impossible to “manufacture eggs in factories”, nor could they be adulterated “by inserting plastic into the shell”.
Officials, who did not want to be quoted, said the eggs in question could have been dipped in a wax solution for preservation, and that the thin wrap of what was described by people as plastic could be wax.Read more: Ruckus over ‘plastic’ eggs
Later on Oct 18th 2016 after the tests…
Quoting from the article at the link given below.
Public concern forced food safety officials to test samples. The Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Science under the Veterinary and Animal Sciences University found that they were normal eggs from Namakkal.
Read more: Hoaxers in Kerala hatch ‘toxic Chinese egg’ scare
More Reports on the hoax:
Kerala authorities rubbish reports of ‘artificial eggs’, but public still on edge
Here’s the truth behind artificial Chinese eggs ‘sold’ in Kerala
Post Date: 16th Apr 2017
Post ID: #67744
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