(SPAM) Panadol or Paracetamol Stays In Human Body For 5 Years
This is a hoax that a paracetamol stays for 5 years in human body. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
Please make time to read, very useful.
Parsees (A sect in India) used to take their Dead & lay them to rest @ huge ‘Wind Towers’ (round structures that Look like Giant Water reservoirs, but open to the air)…The Parsees never buried their dead, nor burned them. They leave them to the Birds of Prey (Vultures) to be eaten thus completing the Life Cycle..
Around 10 years ago, it was noticed that the Birds are dying off. Not many of them were left to consume the dead bodies (which started rotting away)…So, the Parsees had to change this mode of dealing with their dead.. BUT, they wanted to know why a Custom that survived for hundreds of years, had to be suspended?!!
They did Autopsies on Dead Birds (they were dying in huge numbers)..What was the Culprit??? PARACETAMOL (PANADOL)…!! People started consuming pain-killers a decade ago, Panadol STAYS in the Liver for a Long Time…It ultimately accumulated in the Birds’ systems & they could not cope with it!
Interesting to know…
My husband was working in a hospital as an IT engineer, as the hospital is planning to set up a database of its patients and he knows some of the doctors quite well. The doctors used to tell him that whenever they have a headache, they are not willing to take PANADOL / PARACETAMOL.
In fact, they will turn Herbal Medicine or find other alternatives. This is because Panadol is toxic to the body, and it harms the liver. According to the doctor: Panadol will remain in the body for at least 5 years…..!!
And according to the doctor, there was an air-hostess who consumed lots of Panadol as she needed to stand all the time and work under lots of pressure. She’s now in her early 30’s, and she is undergoing kidney cleaning (DIALYSIS) every month.
Whenever we have a headache, that’s because it is due to the electron / Ion imbalance in the brain. Some alternative solution to cope with headache is to Drink lots of water.
Another method will be to submerge your feet in a basin of warm water so that it brings the blood pressure down from your throbbing head.
As Panadol is a pain killer, the more Panadol you take, the lesser would be your threshold for pain (your endurance level for pain). We all will fall ill as we age.
Imagine that we had spent our entire life popping quite a substantial amount of Panadol (Pain Killer), when you need to have a surgery or operation, you will need a much more amount of general anaesthesia.
The thought is scary enough to turn me to Herbal Medicine or other healthier alternative. Value your health, value your life, THINK TWICE before you easily pop that familiar pill into your mouth again.
Please don’t take PANADOL always and try to send this e-mail to people you care.
In India it is sold as CROCIN or METACIN.
The post is big but worth reading
This is a hoax. You can find more details at the links below.
Post Date: 8 Feb 2017
Post ID: #2283
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