This has been circulating since Aug 2015 and we have classified this as SPAM. Please find more details at the verification section...
Rakmavva is back to her home safely. She was safely found at the Hubli railway station. Please don't share this missing post...
This is a fake post circulating on social media about a Storm to hit Bangalore. Please find more details at the verification...
This is a fake message and picture circulating on social media. There has been no plan from Indian government to demonetise Rupees...
The post circulating saying a link with name Popcorn Carnival is Blue Whale Challenge is a hoax. Please find more details at...
This is a For Your Information post about some facts related to the post shown below circulating on social media about Article...
This is a For Your Information post about some facts related to the post shown in the article circulating on social media...
There is no authentic agreement to this test. Please read the reference link in article if you are interested at an ongoing...
No such authentic report has been found to support the post circulating on social media saying Daisy the Golden Retriever rescued people...
It's not true that Gorkhaland is going to be the 30th state of India as been mentioned in the post that has...