A post with morphed images are shared on social media with claim "आमिर की तीसरी पत्नी से तंग आई बेटी इरा खान,...
The image of carved stone in a park in Mumbai is circulating on social media with claims that "The name of Veermata...
Anushka Verma resident of Bangalore was been missing since 31st Oct 2021. Please find the details in the post.
The fake post is shared with claims that McDonald's has Pink Slime in their Burgers. Please read more about it in the...
A fake notice attributing to UGC regarding offline University Examinations is shared on social media with false claims. Please read more about...
A scripted video of child kidnapping is shared on social media giving it a communal twist with claims that a Jihadi woman...
The unrelated images of a doctor who ate cow dung and a man are shared on social media with false claims. Please...
An image of a model has been circulating on social media with claims that Nyakim Gatwech from Sudanese is in the Guinness...
The morphed image of Karl Marx Statue is shared on social media with false claims. Please read more about it in the...
The photo of a person by the name of Sushant Lahiri and his niece is shared on social media with claims "...