This is hoax. Section 233 already exists and its about making or selling instrument for counterfeiting coin. More info at this article.
This circulating on social media is fake. Please refer to the verification section of this article for more details.
This post circulating on social media is a hoax. Reverse ATM Pin Calls Police is not true. More information at the verification...
This Google Internet For Everyone Project circulating on social media is fake. Please refer to the verification section of this article for...
The number specified does not exist. Also no other contact details available. The Muhammad Nation Group could not be officially found as...
This post circulating social media saying its a lady flower from Lenogav forests is false. More information at the verification section of...
This news failed our verification process. There is no authentic report except a few sites referring the other. Please find more details...
The post circulating on social media saying GIF Images are dangerous is false. Please find more details at the verification section of...
Angiography for Rs. 5000 at JJ Hospital is a false news. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
This post circulating saying Julian Assange said America Fears Modi is false. Please find more details at the verification section of this...