[SPAM] No Social Distancing In Hyderabad And Delhi
Video from Faisalabad Pakistan is shared as from Indian states Hyderabad and Delhi.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
No Social Distancing In Hyderabad And Delhi
In old city hyderabad, ppl without maintaining social distance pic.twitter.com/oDb3ptyNBy
— rajasekhar rumal adv (@AdvRumal) May 21, 2020
Verification: Video from Faisalabad Pakistan is shared as from the Indian States Hyderabad and Delhi
Video from Anarkali market, Faisalabad in Pakistan is shared as from different states of India with different captions. It is been shared as from Hyderabad, Delhi.
People from Pakistan has posted this video on twitter.
Sab log corona ki ziarat kay liye pohnchay huay hain. Such emotional scenes. Riqat taari hogai hai pic.twitter.com/lvHG2QxK0r
— bili meow dot com dot pk (@mahobili) May 19, 2020
People from Pakistan posted the video on their twitter accounts mentioning the Anarkali market, Faisalabad in Pakistan. Check the links below to the facts:
Amnan Rajput a journalist from Faisalabad posted the video on 18th May 2020 on his account with the caption “The Supreme Court issued orders to open the bazaar all week
In Faisalabad Anarkali Bazaar, the people are on top of each other. The government has enough personnel to enforce the precautionary measures.
Looks like everyone will die “ and on 19 May he posted another video from the same market with the caption “Faisalabads #کورونا He gritted his teeth
What the administration and the government have done is poor and the people are dying. Let everyone die
Eids don’t come again and again “
سپریم کورٹ نے پورا ہفتہ بازار کھولنے کے احکامات جاری کر دئیے
فیصل آباد انارکلی بازار میں عوام ایک دوسرے پر چڑھ گئی حکومت کے پاس اتنے اہلکار و ملازمین ہیں کہ اس ہجوم سے احتیاطی تدابیر پر عملدرآمد کروا سکے
لگتا ہے سب مریں گے @UsmanAKBuzdar @salmandurrani0 @HUMMADHUMMAD pic.twitter.com/UbHgS3nzGb— Amnan Rajput (@AmnanRajput) May 18, 2020
Scene from a market in Faisalabad. pic.twitter.com/iaPqfNyId9
— Usama Qureshi (@UsamaQureshy) May 18, 2020
Below shared comparison can be seen. Similarities between the videos are shown in images. The first image is from the video shared from Faisalabad and the next is the image from the same video shared with false captions as from India. the signboard in the images is the same. The market name is Anarkali market, Faisalabad that is in Pakistan. The translation from Urdu reads Aini Shoes. On search, we found Aini shoe shop situated in Faisalabad.
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No Social Distancing In Hyderabad And Delhi I Nokiye
Post Date: 22 May 2020
Post ID: #76752