[SPAM] Muslim Youth Pee On Shiva Lingam
An old video of boys of Christian minority is shared as recent with a communal twist
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
गुन्हेगार यह लोग नही हम है
हम जो कायरो की भांति धार्मिक अत्याचार इसलिए सहन करते है क्योंकि हमें लगता है धर्म की रक्षा करना या इन जिहादियो के खिलाफ खड़ा होना “UNCOOL” है, इस से हम देसी और संघी हो जाएंगे
वो लोग युही हमारे धर्म का अपमान करके डरी हुई कौम बनके मजे करेंगे.”
Verification: The youth seen desecrating the temple in Anakapalle Pisinikada in Visakhapatnam is not Muslim
An old video of boys of Christian minority is shared as recent with a communal twist. In fact, the incident is from Vishakhapatnam Anakapally Pisinikada and is from the year 2018.
An old video is shared with a communal twist on social media with the claim that says “गुन्हेगार यह लोग नही हम है
हम जो कायरो की भांति धार्मिक अत्याचार इसलिए सहन करते है क्योंकि हमें लगता है धर्म की रक्षा करना या इन जिहादियो के खिलाफ खड़ा होना “UNCOOL” है, इस से हम देसी और संघी हो जाएंगे
वो लोग युही हमारे धर्म का अपमान करके डरी हुई कौम बनके मजे करेंगे.”
The news was shared by INEWS with details, “In Vishakhapatnam Anakapally two youth had Desecrated lord Shiva Idol in Temple. They recorded their Mischievous Activity in Mobile and it went viral in the Village.”
The details on video areas shared below (translated to English). The names of the boys are Anand and Ramesh Anand. As per Boomlive conversation with the police at Anakapalle, the boys are not Muslims but from a Christian minority.
In Vishakhapatnam Anakapally two youth had Desecrated lord Shiva Idol in Temple. They recorded their Mischievous Activity in Mobile and it went viral in the Village.
For some it is difficult to know where the Mind is. Those who should be in insane asylums are roaming the society. Two youths were stabbed to death on Tuesday at a Shiva temple in Pisinikada village in Anakapalle in Visakhapatnam district. The feet are washed on the idol of Nandi which is considered sacred. Urine was poured on the basil tree. Spoke sarcastically. The worship material was desecrated. These scenes were videotaped and posted on social media.The Shiva temple was in the fields and the people behaved arbitrarily due to the large absence. Some villagers tried to evade them. However, he complained to the police that he was not heard. The accused have been identified as Anand and Ramesh Anand of Santipura. Stirring for those who are on the run.
The video is from the year 2018 and was published by Top Most Media on 11 April 2018.
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Muslim Youth Pee On Shivalingam I Nokiye
Post Date: 18 March 2021
Post ID: #78496