(SPAM) Message From Mumbai NBFC About PM Modi’s New Employment Rules
Wish its true, but its false. Its fake news about New Employment Rules by PM Modi and the message was received from Mumbai NBFC. Please find more about the post at this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Good news for employees
One more positive Jhatka from PM MODI for all private company ….1) All private company employees will work only 8hrs.2) If management ask to wait more than 8hrs, employee can sue the management in the court.
3) Employee can take weekly 1day leave apart from sat n sun.
4) Company has to give mandatory 30% rise in annual salary.
5) If employee wants to leave job, Company has to pay his full n final settlement on the last day of his service.
6) None of the employee can be terminated, as they were hired after long rounds of interview.
7) Special privileged leave on birthday, anniversary and celebration at home apart from annual leaves.
8) Minimum 1 hour of rest during working hours.
9) Free membership for extra curricular activities.
Effective from today midnight..
This message was received from Mumbai NBFC.employees , the same I am forwarding, for all your information,
Forwarded as received…
Wish its true, but unfortunately its NOT TRUE. Another SPAM circulating on social media.
Post Date: 20th March 2017
Post ID: #67259
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Kash aisa ho ta modiji…U seriously implement this for peace of ur country and citizen s who are struggling every day and taking intense work pressure …And end of the day only government and owner of company enjoys …And we work as slaves and get peanut ….Think about it modiji Kuch aise acche badlav lawo…And who ever has created this spam msg is a very intelligent person who can be PM.