(SPAM) MR-VAC Injection Is Slow Poison and Is Banned in Many Countries
This is a false information spreading at social media. MR – VAC is manufactured by an Indian Company the Health Department has assured its 100% safe and with no side effects.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
Very very Important msg
Newly invented injection for Smallpox treatment MR – VAC. But actually it is not true. This medicine has been band in many countries. Now this MNC are sending this injection through this Modi government to all schools to inject all children compulsory. Please educate your children, not to take this injections at any cost. It is slow poison which will affect the future of the child as well as future generations also.
This is a false news.
Quote from a mainstream media report:
Health Department officials here refuted these as fake alerts and said that there would be no change in the vaccination drive scheduled to be conducted in the district.
They said that the false information on the vaccine was spread by a group of people who intended to undermine the vaccination drive to be held from February 6 to February 28.
The Health Department has come up with the clarification after messages and graphics on MR vaccine spread through Facebook and WhatsApp claimed that the combined injection had side-effects. Messages, including audio clippings, had claimed that the vaccine would affect immunity and memory in children. Read more at: http://www.thehindu.com/todays-paper/tp-national/tp-tamilnadu/MR-vaccine-is-safe-ignore-claims-of-side-effects-Health-Dept./article17106560.ece
Post Date: 28 Jan 2017
Post ID: #2223
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