(SPAM) Decision of Ministry of Interior New Communication Regulations
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Below post has been circulating on social media
* Decision of the Ministry of Interior: *
The United Arab Emirates * Tomorrow will start the new communications system *: *
* Call recorded *
* Mobile conversations reserved *
* Wattsab Monitor *
* Twitter Monitor *
* Facebook Monitor *
* All applications associated with social communication *. *
* Your monitor is monitored. *
* Send it to someone who does not know it *
* Your foot is tied to the civil register and fingerprint.
* Please be careful not to send any messages not * * have a need and God conciliator. *
* The Electronic Crimes Law *
* Advise your children to exercise caution *
Http://www.emaratalyoum.com/local-section/other/2012-11-13-1.526151 Federal Law against IT Crimes
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Ministry of Interior Regulation
From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.
All calls are recorded
All phone call recordings saved
Whatsapp is monitored
Twitter is monitored
Facebook is monitored
All social media and forums are monitoredInform those who do not know.
Your devices are connected to ministry systems.
Take care not to send unnecessary messages.
Inform your children about this and to take care.
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An Alert
As understood the Ministry of Interior Regulation shall enforce Strict Law and Order for all Communications.
From tomorrow onwards there shall be new Communication Regulations.
All calls shall be Recorded and Recordings shall remain saved.
Whatsapp, Twitter, FB, and all Social Media and forums shall be strictly monitored.
So please take enough precaution not to send any Sensitive or Objectionable Messages, Photos, Video Clips, etc.
Inform those who are not aware as all devices shall remain connected to Ministerial Systems and Vigilance.
Inform your children about this and please take care.
Lets remain dedicated to our honourable PM Sir by making our Nation Strong and Powerful.
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From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.
All calls are logged.
Whatsapp is monitored
Twitter is monitored
Facebook is monitored
All social media and forums are monitoredPl. inform those who do not know:
Take care not to send any kind of offensive messages to any body / group. May be a good advise can also be intentionally mis-interpreted, if you are specifically targeted.
Inform your children about this.It has come in today Hindu alsoSo while posting messages, videos check carefully their content related to anti-social, anti-national and even about political punches, kindly avoid and discourage others for their well-being.Regards
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Ministry of I&B notification
From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.
All calls are recorded
All phone call recordings saved
WhatsApp is monitored
Twitter is monitored
Facebook is monitored
All social media and forums are monitored
Inform those who do not know.
Your devices are connected to ministry systems.
Take care not to send unnecessary messages
Inform your children, Relatives and friends about this to take care
Don’t forward any posts or videos etc., you receive regarding politics/present situation about Government/PM etc.
Police have put out a notification termed ..Cyber Crime … and action will be taken…just delete …
Inform your friends & others too.
Writing or forwarding any msg on any political & religious debate is an offence now….arrest without warrant…
Post Date: 11th April 2017
Post ID: #67625
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