[SPAM] Martinelli link is Blue Whale Challenge
The post circulating saying a link with name the name Martinelli is Blue Whale Challenge is a hoax. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Bluewhale hackers: They say that tomorrow a video comes out by whatsapp, it’s called martinelli, do not open it, it hacks your phone in 10 seconds and it can not be stopped in any way. Pass the data to your friends.
There has been many hoaxes regarding the Blue Whale challenge that has been circulating on the social media lately . One such circulation similar to the one of the popcorn carnival is the Martinelli , this message says that there is a video regarding Blue Whale which will be circulating on WhatsApp .The message is mainly circulating in Spanish. The Spanish police were the first to debunk the same and report it as a hoax.
The link below will take you to the article proving that the message is a hoax .
‘Martinelli’ WhatsApp Video Hack Warning is Yet Another Hoax
Hoax-Slayer | July 30, 2017
Post Date: 19th October 2017
Post ID: #69043
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