[SPAM] Machupo Virus in P500 Paracetamol
This is a hoax. It probably originated at Malaysia. The Health Minister of Malaysia has denounced this hoax. Also there are no such cases reported of Machupo infection off late. The latest was during 2011. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
Be careful not to take the paracetamol that comes written P / 500. It is a new, very white and shiny paracetamol, doctors prove to contain “Machupo” virus, considered one of the most dangerous viruses in the world. And with high mortality rate. Please share this message, for all people and family. And save life from them ….. I’ve done my part, now it’s your turn … remember that God helps those who help.
Other variants of this post…
धोक्याचा इशारा! दुर्लक्ष करू नका
काळजी घ्या.
P/500 असे लिहलेल्या गोळ्यांचे तापाचे औषध घेऊ नये… हे नवीन औषध एक अत्यंत पांढरी शुभ्र आणि चमकदार Paracetamol(तापाची गोळी) आहे.
डॉक्टरांच्या माहीतीप्रमाणे सिद्ध केले आहे की यात “Machupo Virus व्हायरस(विषाणू) जो जगातील सर्वात धोकादायक व्हायरसपैकी एक मानला जातोय आणि या औषधामुळे मृत्युचे प्रमाण खूप जास्त आहे .सर्व लोकांना आणि कुटुंबांना हा संदेश शेअर करा, आपल्या या कार्यामुळे त्यांचाही जीव वाचू शकतो ….. माझं कर्तव्य मी पूर्ण केले, चालूच राहील… आता आपली वेळ आहे …
लक्षात ठेवा, देव त्यांनाच मदत करतो जे इतरांना मदत करतात.
More variants
It is not possible for paracetamol to contain the Machupo virus, says the Health Ministry in response to a viral social media message warning people not to take the white P/500 (Aeknil) tablet.
Read more at http://www.thestar.com.my/news/nation/2017/02/09/health-dg-dont-believe-claims-about-virus-in-paracetamol/
Also please note that like many other viruses Machupo Virus also cannot live in a dry environment like a tablet.
More about Machupo Virus:
Bolivian hemorrhagic fever (BHF), also known as black typhus or Ordog Fever, is a hemorrhagic fever and zoonotic infectious disease originating in Bolivia after infection by Machupo virus.
In February and March 2007, some 20 suspected BHF cases (3 fatal) were reported to the El Servicio Departamental de Salud (SEDES) in Beni Department, Bolivia, and in February 2008, at least 200 suspected new cases (12 fatal) were reported to SEDES. In November 2011, a SEDES expert involved in a serosurvey to determine the extent of Machupo virus infections in the Department after the discovery of a second confirmed case near the departmental capital of Trinidad in November, 2011, expressed concern about expansion of the virus’ distribution outside the endemic zone in Mamoré and Iténez provinces.
(Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolivian_hemorrhagic_fever)
Post Date: 27 Jan 2017
Post ID: #2215
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