(SPAM) Kids beaten at Beharampur Milia International Boarding School
This is NOT Beharampur milia international boarding school, West Bengal. This is a story from Egypt during Aug 2014. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post along with the video has been circulating on social media
It is in Beharampur milia international boarding school…… West Bengal, India.
share as much as you can so that this school closes down….. sack all the teachers . Thank you
Also another post circulating with different school name…
Cruel treatment meted out to boarding school toddlers of Milia international boarding school ,in perambur , Chennai .
Even Times of India Citizen Reporter has this reported.!
Its a case from Egypt during Aug 2014 where a wife films secret footage of orphanage manager beating children
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2716752/Court-shown-secret-footage-orphanage-manager-beating-children-stick-kicking-burst-tears-trial-shocked.html
For the other video, it looks like an incident at Turkey. Please find more details at the link below.
Post date: 12 Dec 2016
Post ID: #1658
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