(SPAM) Kannada is The Oldest Living Language in the World
This is a false news. Kannada is part of Dravidian Languages and it 2nd among Dravidian Languages after Tamil. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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This is a false news.
In India itself, Kannada is the second oldest of the four major Dravidian languages with a literary tradition. The oldest Kannada inscription was discovered at the small community of Halmidi and dates to about 450 ce. The Kannada script evolved from southern varieties of the Ashokan Brahmi script. The Kannada script is closely related to the Telugu script; both emerged from an Old Kannarese (Karnataka) script. Three historical stages are recognised: Old Kannada (450–1200 ce), Middle Kannada (1200–1700 ce), and Modern Kannada (1700 ce–present). (Source: Britannica)
Please find more details about the Dravidian Languages at the link below.
Post Date: 17 Jan 2017
Post ID: #2116
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