(SPAM) Jana Gana Mana is declared by UNESCO as the BEST ANTHEM OF THE WORLD
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Congratulation to all of us.Our national anthem “Jana Gana Mana… “is declared as the “BEST ANTHEM OF THE WORLD”by UNESCO. Just few minutes ago.
Kindly share this.
Very proud to be an INDIAN.
✨✨ Meaning of our National Anthem ✨✨
?? Please try to understand the meaning and pronounce it clearly.Word by word meaning..
?Jana = People
?Gana = Group
?Mana = Mind
?Adhinayaka= Leader
?Jaya He = Victory
?Bharata = India
?Bhagya = Destiny
?Vidhata = Disposer
?Punjaba = Punjab
?Sindhu = Indus
?Gujarata = Gujarat
?Maratha = Marathi Maharashtra
?Dravida = South
?Utkala = Orissa
?Banga = Bengal
?Vindhya =Vindhyas
?Himachal =Himalay
?Yamuna = Yamuna
?Ganga = Ganges
?Uchchhala = Moving
?Jaladhi = Ocean
?Taranga = Waves
?Tava = Your
?Shubh =Auspicious
?Naame = name
?Jage = Awaken
?Tava = Your
?Shubha = Auspicious
?Aashisha = Blessings
?Maage = Ask
?Gaahe = Sing
?Tava = Your
?Jaya = Victory
?Gatha = Song
?Jana = People
?Gana = Group
?Mangala = Fortune
?Dayaka = Giver
?Jay He = Victory Be
?Bharata = India
?Bhagya = Destiny
?Vidhata = Dispenser
?Jay He, Jay He, Jay He, Jay Jay Jay Jay He = Victory, Victory, Victory, Victory Forever…PLEASE SHARE IT AND LET ALL PEOPLE KNOW THE MEANING OF OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM..
This is a SPAM message about Jana Gana Mana declared by UNESCO as the best national anthem. Please find more verification details at the snopes.com article.
There is a main stream news also on this spam.
Post Date: 5th Nov 2016
Post ID: #1033
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