[SPAM] Jama Masjid Will Issue Fatwa Against Tanishq
The false post is being shared with claims that Fatwa will be issued by Jama Masjid against Tanishq for the controversial video commercial on social media
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
Jama Masjid Will Issue Fatwa Against Tanishq
#Jama_Masjid will issue #fatwa against #Tanishq because they had shown "Baby shower" tradition in advertisement which is Hindu culture, Muslims don't have traditions like this. #Tanishq is silently destroying our culture and traditions, even #Tanishq is harming Islam religion pic.twitter.com/Lj2gSGy85g
— ☠ (@Kingsshuk) October 16, 2020
Verification: No Fatwa Against Tanishq By Jama Masjid
The false post is being shared with claims that Fatwa will be issued by Jama Masjid against Tanishq for the controversial video commercial on social media.
Tanishq was all over social media after a video commercial by Ad filmmaker Joyeeta Patpatia for showing a ‘Hindu ceremony’ of a baby shower at her Muslim in-law’s house. The beautiful voice of beautiful Bollywood celebrity Divya Dutta was heard in the advertisement. Tanishq had to withdraw the advertisement as a lot of chaos was created by then on the name of religion on Facebook and Twitter.
The recent posts were seen with claims of Fatwa to be issued against Tanishq by Jama Masjid. The claim is false. There is no such claim by Jama Masjid.
@Boom talked to Ahmed Bukhari, the Shahi Imam of Delhi’s Jama Masjid, who rubbished the viral claim.
In fact, The advertisement video was shared by none other than Vice Shahi Imam, Jama Masjid Delhi, Syed Shaban Bukhari with positive words.
Read more @ BoomLive
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Jama Masjid Will Issue Fatwa Against Tanishq I Nokiye
Post Date: 20 Oct 2020
Post ID: #77831