[SPAM] India Has A Total Number of 5,79,092 VIPs
In recent times where the number of forward messages are increasing, there is a post circulating saying India has the highest number of VIPs in the world, while the other countries have a lesser number. Please refer to the verification section of this article for more details.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
Britain has an official number of 84 VIPs!
France has 109 VIPs!
Japan has 125 VIPs!
Germany has 142!
The total number of VIPs in the USA are 252!
Russia 312!
The total number of VIPs in China is 435!
India has a total no of 5,79,092 VIPs!
Just imagine the mounting bills of Security, Flight Bills, Foriegn Travel & Vacation, Conveyance, Free Electricity, Free Water, Subsidized High Quality food in Canteens & other perks!
It is sickening!
Cutting down this no to below 300 is as urgent is the best reform for our country!
Remember this huge Army of largely political VIPs who are squandering valuable national resources meant for the common people of this country!
Share to build public opinion against this ridiculous nonsense!
Other versions
अब फ्री में VIP नंबर वाला सिमकार्ड कंपनी आपके घर तक भेजेगीवजह जानकर हैरान रह जाओगेनिचे नंबर के कुछ नमूने दिए गये हैं
8383999999 | 7171222222
7866888888 | 8888888888
8566555555 | 8383999999
8080808080 | 8445000000
7171786786 | 7575111111पहले इन्ही सिमकार्ड के कंपनी 4०००-5००० रूपये लेती थी लेकिन अब ज्यादा ग्राहक बनाने के चक्कर में कंपनियों में होड़ मच गयी हैं!
और VIP नंबर का सिमकार्ड 2GB डाटा के साथ फ्री में वितरित कर रही हैं
यहाँ से जल्दी से अपना नंबर बुक करो????
सिमकार्ड लेते समय केवल आधार कार्ड का कॉपी देना होगा
India has a population of 1.4 billion people. The number of people who fall under the VIP category does have a significant chance of being a huge number.The number of VIPs mentioned in the above post is a ball park figure which consists of the various politicians in power and the various people who qualify as a VIP. The count for VIPs is 450 in India which is further expected to swell up to 15000.
The link below shows a detailed explanation for the count of VIPs in our country .
VIP Culture Thrills In India So Much That We Have More VIPs Than Any Other Country!
indiatimes | JANUARY 19, 2017
Verification Volunteered by: Ram
Post Date: 19th Oct 2017
Post ID: #69026
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I wonder whether this is also a fact but thanks for the information. If the message was a spam it should have been checked then and there. I also had some doubt initially but thought this was one way if getting into the real number.
This has also infused in me the idea to go in for a kind of research and find the true number. Thanks.