The fake post is shared with the guidelines of Home Quarantine
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
यह जानकारी हर ईन्सान तक पहुँच जाए तो होस्पीटल की जरूरत नहीं होगी इसे अधिक से अधिक शेयर करो भाई
Verification: The Home Quarantine Schedule shared on social media is not from authorities.
The message regarding HOME QUARANTINE SCHEDULE is being circulated on social media for many months. The post is being widely shared on WhatsApp groups with guidelines of “to do” things while in-home quarantine. The post has a lot of mistakes in the writeup (ईन्सान, होस्पीटल ). Anything shared from official authorities is properly checked and shared. No such schedule is mentioned in Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana. It is advised to have an expert’s advice while being in-home quarantine. Always look for the information on the related websites. It’s always public.
Read the revised guidelines for Home Isolation of very mild/pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic COVID-19 at Government of India, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare Website. It was revised on 2nd July 2020.
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Post Date: 14 Sep 2020
Post ID: #77672