(SPAM) Free Hajj Offer by Muhammad Nation Group
The number specified does not exist. Also no other contact details available. The Muhammad Nation Group could not be officially found as well.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
As salaamu alaikum.
FREE HAJJ OFFER for the needy. If u know anyone who is poor and their age is 60-70 years of age and he/she is unable to do hajj due to financial conditions; the “Muhammad National Group” in JEDDAH will make arrangements of hajj for such people in free of cost. Contact no. 0096626919999. Pls forward this to other muslims to get reward of ur good deeds on the judgement day… Jazak’Allah Khairan
The number 0096626919999 does not exist. As there is no other contact details and no no registered group/organization found in the name ‘Muhammad Nation Group’ we have classified this post as SPAM.
If anyone has any authentic details about this group or this service, kindly share a the details as a comment. We will be very happy to change the status of this article.
Post Date: 7 Jan 2017
Post ID: #2016
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