(SPAM) Foreign Lady Beaten For Moving Cow
The video circulating was an incident of a fight with foreigners over the use a restaurant bench. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
Quoting the description at the video dated Dec 2012 below:
“So some family decided to use the benches in front of a restaurant. Normally if you use the benches you’re expected to order stuff once in a while. At least a bottle of water or so. This family never ordered anything and spent most of the day there.
So the staff finally came down and took their sun umbrella away. Which pissed off the crazy lady. She slowly builds up to full on crazy and starts trying to force her way into the restaurant for the 118th time. So far they’ve refused her entrance, probably because she would flip out and break something.
The owner needs to physically hold her arm to prevent them from just walking in again. And she yells at him not to touch her. Then she jabs her finger into his chest while screaming about not touching her. She then slaps him and he smacks her in the face and knocks her down about 6 stairs into a pile of rubble. Which she walks away from surprisingly well.”
Post Date: 17th April 2017
Post ID: #67763
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