[SPAM] Those Who Find The Camel Will Be Far Away From Developing Alzheimer’s
The post is circulation with false caption on an image used for illusion and puzzles. Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
Those Who Find The Camel Will Be Far Away From Developing Alzheimer’s
"The test of the head is to find a camel. Doctors believe if you find the camel you are less likely to develop Alzheimer's
#alzheimerstest #cameltest #findthecamel #MyBuddyGard #personalGPStrackers pic.twitter.com/BjSVOBKhNz— My Buddy Gard (@mybuddygard) September 28, 2019
Verification: Finding Camel in an image dose not have any relation with Alzheimer’s detection
The image is circulating with false captions that claim that one who can find the Camel in an image will be far away from developing Alzheimer’s or have best eyesight. Where as when we found out about the same image on search images on google, we saw this link in which the same image is shared and is used as puzzle and to create illusions. There is no link between finding the camel and getting away from developing Alzheimer’s . It dose not check your vision either. Please check the links shared below to know the fact:
Another place where we found the same image is Imgrum with the caption “If you can find the camel, your eyes are as good as digital camera.Try it #eyetest”. It has nothing to do with eyesight. Finding camel cannot test vision.
We also found the same image on the link Sharing cool optical illusions – Izismile.com
Read more @Boomlive
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Camel And Alzheimer I Nokiye
Post Date: 1 Oct 2019
Post ID: #73906