[SPAM] Fake Rupees 500 Notes
This is not true. There is no such guideline or notification from RBI. The exact accuracy of the windowed security thread is not defined in the official RBI website to identify genuine notes.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
सभी लोगों से निवेदन है ।
कि वे 500 रूपए का ऐसा कोई नोट न लें जिसमे RBI वाली तार महात्मा गांधी की फोटो के पास हो। क्योंकि ये नोट नकली बताए जा रहे हैं । इसलिए केवल वही नोट स्वीकार करें जिसमें RBI वाली तार गवर्नर के हस्ताक्षर को क्रोस करती हुई जाए। जैसा इस फोटो में दिखाया गया है।
ज्यादा से ज्यादा शेयर करें और लोगों को जागरूक करें।
धन्यवाद ।।
“अत्यंत महत्वाची सूचना” –
500/- ₹ ची नोट स्वीकारताना दक्षता घ्या
नोटेवरील हिरवी रेषा (Green Strip) ही जर गांधीजींच्या जवळ असेल ती स्वीकारू नका, ती नकली (Fake) आहे
खऱ्या (Original) नोटेवर ही हिरवी रेषा (Green Strip) गव्हर्नर (Governer) च्या स्वाक्षरी (Signature) जवळ आहेस्वतः नीट पहा
आणि कृपा करून हा मॅसेज
आपल्या मित्र तसेंच आप्तेष्टांना देखील पाठवा
Help to Stop Viral this kind of Fake Currency
Pls do not accept Rs.500 Currency note on which the green strip is close to Gandhi ji because it’s fake. Accept a currency note where the strip is near Governor’s signature. Please pass this message to all family and friends…????
This is not true. There is no such guideline or notification from RBI. The exact accuracy of the windowed security thread is not defined in the official RBI website to identify genuine notes. Hence both notes in the picture should be valid.
Please find more details at the RBI page below.
Know Your Bank Notes | RBI
More over during Nov 2016 RBI had admitted the differences in the new 500 Rupees notes and has informed that all versions are valid.
Please find more details at the articles below.
New Rs. 500 Notes With Faulty Printing Valid: RBI
ndtv.com | November 25, 2016
Two Versions of New Rs 500 Notes in Circulation and Both are Valid
CNN-News18 | Updated:November 25, 2016
Post Date: 30th June 2017
Post ID: #68493
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