(SPAM) How To Identify Fake 10 Rupee Coin
This is false. There are NO FAKE 10 RUPEE COINS in circulation. All version in circulation are genuine coins. Please find RBI clarifications at the verification section of this article.
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Quoting from the article at the link shown at the end.
The Reserve Bank of India on Tuesday said the Rs 10 coin was very much in circulation and those refusing to accept it could face legal action, setting to rest rumours that the coin was banned.
Reports have poured in of shopkeepers, kiosks owners and auto rickshaw drivers in and around Delhi returning R10 coins and asking for currency notes after a WhatsApp message, shared widely, claimed the coin was declared invalid by the central bank.
“Nothing of that kind has happened. We have not even thought of it,” RBI spokesperson Alpana Kilawala said. “People should not hesitate in using the coins for transactions as these coins are legal tender.”
Read more: RBI says Rs 10 coin is valid, those refusing to accept may face legal action
More news from RBI on this…
Quoting from the article at the link shown at the end.
Amid confusion over the validity of Rs 10 coins, the Reserve Bank of India today asserted that all such coins were legal tenders. “The Reserve Bank of India advise members of the public not to give credence to such ill-informed notions and ignore them and continue to accept these (Rs 10) coins as legal tender in all their transactions without any hesitation,” RBI Principal Adviser Alpana Killiwala said.
More news on this…
Post Date: 16th March 2017
Post ID: #67225
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