(SPAM) Don’t Fill Petrol Full Tank During Summer
This is considered a hoax about not to fill full tank petrol during summer. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
? इंडियन ऑयल ने दी चेतावनी ?
आने वाले दिनों में तापमान में वृद्धि होना तय है, इसलिए अपने वाहन में पेट्रोल अधिकतम सीमा तक ना भरवायें । यह ईंधन टैंक में विस्फोट का कारण बन सकता है । कृपया आप अपने वाहन में आधा टैंक ही ईंधन भरवायें और एयर के लिए जगह रखें । इस हफ्ते 5 विस्फोट दुर्घटनाओं की वजह, अधिकतम पेट्रोल भरने से हुआ है ।
कृपया पेट्रोल टंकी को दिन मे एक बार खोल कर अंदर बन रही गेस को बाहर निकल दे ।
#नोट : इस मैसेज को आप अपने परिवार के सदस्यों व अन्य सभी को भेजें, जिससे लोग इस गलती से बच सकें..
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Warning from Indian Oil !!!Due to increase in temperature in the coming days, please don’t fill petrol to the maximum limit. It may cause explosion in the fuel tank. Please fill the tank about half and allow space for air. This week 5 explosion accidents have happened due to filling petrol to maximum. Don’t just read the message and stop. Let others and your family members who drive also know about it so that they can avoid this mistake…Please DO SHARE THIS MESSAGE.
We could find that its considered a hoax. Please find more details at the links below.
Viewer may also be interested at this video from National Geographic Channel which demonstrates car explosion with Full tank, Half tank, Quarter tank and Empty tank cars.
More Gas, More Boom?
Post Date: 29th March 2017
Post ID: #67418
Verification Partially Volunteered By: JJose
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