[SPAM] Dawood Ibrahim Dies of Massive Heart Attack
It’s just a rumour, no confirmation has been found as of now. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Underworld Don Dawood Ibrahim Dies of Massive Heart Attack
It’s just a rumour, no confirmed news. Quoting from Times of India article below.
“Listening to my voice, do you think any such thing has happened? These are all rumours”, Chhotta Shakeel said. “Bhai is fit and fine,” he added.
Dawood is unwell but not critical, seen at Miandad’s party on April 19: Sources
HindustanTimes | Apr 29, 2017 20:51 IST
Rumours about Dawood’s health false, bhai is fit and fine: Chhota Shakeel
The Times of India | Apr 29, 2017, 07.48 PM IST
Post Date: 30th April 2017
Post ID: #67988
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