(SPAM) Dawood’s assets worth 15,000 crore seized in UAE
This news failed our verification process. There is no authentic report except a few sites referring the other. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media
Updated: We understand the below mainstream media reports say about this to be true.
If we read the above articles we can see that…
OutlookIndia refers Financial Express
Financial Express refers ABP News
ABP News refers Zee News
Zee News refers itself which we could not find.
The site zeenews.india.com in its article says “Zee Media on Tuesday claimed that Dawood has several properties, including hotels and shares in top rung companies in UAE. The UAE authorities have also sealed properties of Dawood in Dubai.” So its about referring a report which does not exist! . This whole story sounds fake, as of now.
Also none of the Middle East media is reporting this. If we get any authentic news on this story then we will update this post.
Update (5th Jan 2017): Times Of India posted an article about this story with a question mark. Also in the article it talks about how Indian Official did not agree to this news.
Quote: “The Indian intelligence and investigative agencies, as well as the ministry of external affairs, insisted that they were unaware of any such development.”
Please read more at: http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/uae-about-to-seize-dawoods-assets-worth-rs-15000-crore/articleshow/56343328.cms
Update (7th Jan 2017): Huffington Post India said their sources in Intelligence denied this report. Please read more at the link below.
Post Date: 3 Jan 2016
Post ID: #1986
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Dear Sirs in Spam Alert,
If you have taken the responsibility to verify the authenticity of a niew item spread in the internet and whatsapp you must do the complete research on the matter by contacting the concerned goverments and agencies before posting the opinion about it.
Your credibility will certainly increase if you post only confirmed and authentinc opinions instead of “IT appears …” etc.
In this particular message you must contact the Saudi Govt and you will certainly get the true picture.
How many more mainstream media do you want ?
are you still reliable ? why jump the guns ?
1. http://www.financialexpress.com/world-news/uae-government-seizes-dawood-ibrahims-assets-worth-rs-15000-crore/495640/
2. http://www.abplive.in/india-news/uae-govt-seizes-dawood-ibrahims-assets-worth-rs-15000-crore-sources-474778
3. http://www.outlookindia.com/website/story/uae-government-seizes-rs-15000-crore-worth-of-dawood-ibrahims-assets/297599
4. http://zeenews.india.com/india/mumbai-blasts-mastermind-dawood-ibrahims-assets-worth-rs-15000-cr-seized-in-uae_1963998.html