[SPAM] Cruise Ship Dumping Human Waste Into The Ocean
This post about Cruise ship dumping human waste into the Ocean circulating on social media is fake. Please find more details in this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Verification: The Cruise ship is not dumping human waste in ocean
The image is true but the claim on the image is false.The ship is not dumping any human waste in the ocean. This image with false captions is being circulated on different social platforms very frequently. The captions are as follows:
Now lets see what Alejandro Nario, Uruguay’s National Director of the Environment tweets about the image of the shared cruise ship. In the image the cruise ship is starting up its turbines before dropping anchor, and thus the brown clouds visible on the surface of ocean are sand and mud mixed up from the bed of the ocean and is not human waste.
Check the picture below: This is mud and water on surface after the turbines starts.
Ante consultas recibidas sobre esta imagen, aclaramos: fue tomada en el momento que están acomodando el barco para fondear, las turbinas de arranque producen turbulencia con las hélices, levantando arena y barro del fondo, en una zona de poca profundidad No se trata de efluentes pic.twitter.com/e2LQnTaG5W
— Alejandro Nario (@alejandronario) January 11, 2019
Translation of the tweet in english:
While we share the fact with you, lets us also share an article on how the waste from the ship is managed by the crew. There Are some strict rules that every ship has to follow in terms of disposing off the waste. Crew of the respective ships is assigned to do so. Read more
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL): Read more
Learn more about Earth’s Largest Habitat: Read more
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Cruise ship dumping human waste in the ocean | Nokiye.com
Post Date: 4 Jan 2019
Post ID: #71055