[SPAM] Cosmic Rays From America Will Give Shock To Your Body Tonight
The fake audio message is shared asking to switch off electronic gadgets tonight after 12:30 as harmful cosmic rays will enter Earth tonight.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
आज रात 12.30 से 3.30 बजे तक प्रथ्वी के पास से खतरनाक कास्मिक किरणें गुजरेंगी । कृपया आप अपने अपने मोबाइलफ़ोन स्विच ऑफ करके रखे ।और फ़ोन को अपने पास रखकर बिल्कुल न सोइए। अन्यथा आपको हानि पहुँच सकती हे।कृपया इस सन्देश को नजरअंदाज न करे। यदि आपको विश्वासन होतो आप गूगल पर “नासा बी बी सी न्यूज़”सर्च कर विस्तृत समाचार देख सकते हे। cede कृपया इस सन्देश को अन्य लोगो तक पहुचाने की कृपा करे। धन्न्यवाद
Tonight at 00:30 to 03:30am make sure to turn off your phone, cellular, tablet etc & put far away from your body! Singapore TV announced on the news! Please tell your family & friends! Tonight 12:30pm to 3:30am for our Planet will be very high radiation! Cosmic rays will pass close to Earth, So please turn off your cell phone! Do not leave your device close to your body, it can cause you terrible damage! Check Google & NASA BBC News! Send this message to all the people who matter to you! Thank you
Tonight 12:30 am to 3:30 am cosmo rays entering earth from mars. So switch off your mobile at night. Don’t keep your cell with you & put it away while you are sleeping because they are too much dangerous rays: NASA informs BBC NEWS. Pls spread this news.
Verification: The old fake message is shared over and over again since 2008
The post is being shared since 2008 with some changes in its language and adding and subtracting a few words. Please check the links below to know the fact:
Cosmic Rays may harm your cellphones – Hoax: Read more
Hoax Alert: No need to turn mobile phones off because there won’t be an influx of cosmic rays from Mars: Read more
Will Dangerous Cosmic Rays Pass Close to Earth ‘Tonight’?: Read more
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Cosmic Rays From America Will Give Shock To Your Body Tonight I Nokiye
Post Date: 24 Apr 2020
Post ID: #76342