In 1996, CHILDLINE India Foundation (CIF) launched CHILDLINE, the country’s first toll-free tele-helpline 1098 for street children in distress. As of March 2015, total of 36 Million calls since inception have been serviced by CHILDLINE service and operates in 366 cities/districts in 34 States/UTs through its network of over 700 partner organisations across India.
The partnership model of CHILDLINE India
CHILDLINE is a platform bringing together the Ministry for Women & Child Development (GOI), working in Partnership with State Governments, NGOs, International Organizations, the Corporate Sector, Concerned Individuals and Children.
CHILDLINE is the crucial link between children in need of care and protection and the available services. For children with different needs, who call in anytime, anywhere, and for anything, we act as a one-point contact which facilitates instant access to support, advice, active intervention or just a listening ear. We connect children in emergency on one end of the phone line to a well connected network of services.
Services that already exist. No new shelter, no new hospital, no new infrastructure was to be built. What was needed and obtained was, the effective use of resources provided by organisations working with children.
We at CHILDLINE believe that for a helpline to be successful and effective in reaching out to the millions of children deprived of their childhood, we need to work in a partnership framework. A framework that recognizes that:
– A helpline cannot operate in isolation
– All partners involved in the helpline share a reciprocal relationship
– Each partner has clear and definite roles in the partnership model. This leads to a feeling of joint ownership towards the model.
– All partners share the vision, mission and the success of the model.
Please read more about CHILDLINE 1098 at their website below:
Please note that there is a SPAM circulating in social media to call CHILDCARE 1098 to collect food. Please find more details about this SPAM below.
Post Date: 6th November 2016
Post ID: #982
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