Internet Rumours

(SPAM) Burning Camphor & Cardamon Kills Swine Flu

burning camphor cardamon kills swine flu hoax

This is a false information. A post has been circulating on social media saying burning camphor and cardamon kills swine flu. Its a hoax.

 (SPAM) Burning Camphor & Cardamon Kills Swine Flu

This is a false information. A post has been circulating on social media asking people to burn camphor and cardamon this holi to kill swine flue. Its a hoax.

Post Information:

Below post has been circulating on social media

Dr.Prayag Dabhi Ahemedabad:-

सभी से निवेदन है कि जब आप होलिका दहन में जाए तो कपूर और छोटी इलायची साथ में जलाये क्योंकि कपूर और इलायची की खुशबू से स्वाइन फ्लू का वायरस मर जाता है।

होली पूरे देश में मनाई जाती है। एक साथ पूरे देश में इतना कपूर व् इलायची जलने पर स्वाइन फ्लू का 70% वायरस हवा में ही समाप्त हो जाएगा।

इस सन्देश को अधिक से अधिक लोगो को भेजे और देश को इस फ्लू से बचाएं।

burning-camphor-cardamon-kills-swine-flu hoax


Quoting from the below news article dated Mar 2015:

Camphor, cardamom have no role in killing swine flu virus, say Bhopal docs

For the last one month or so, a message has been circulating on social media and WhatsApp groups in Bhopal, claiming that “mixing equal parts of camphor and green cardamom, putting them in a cotton cloth and sniffing it on an hourly basis can save you from swine flu”.

With over 195 people having died from swine flu since January 1 in MP, people are paranoid and willing to attempt these measures, without knowing whether there is any scientific evidence to prove their efficacy.

To find out if these measures were derived from the alternative system of medicine and were capable of treating swine flu, HT spoke to allopathic, ayurvedic and Unani experts.

Pulmonary medicine specialist at Hamidia Hospital Dr Lokendra Dave says there is no scientific basis in such measures.

“Swine flu is a viral disease and camphor and cardamom have no role in killing the virus. Camphor does provide some symptomatic relief once you catch cold as it dilates the blood vessels. But sniffing it in no way can protect you from the flu.”

Read more:

Post Date: 24 Feb 2107

Post ID: #67029

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