[SPAM] Bangladeshi Liberation War Freedom Fighters Converted To Muslims
The photograph of women posing with rifles is shared with false claims of torture on Hindus and their conversion to Muslims after 50 years
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The below post has been circulating on social media
Bangladeshi freedom fighters
बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर अत्याचार.
नीचे की तस्वीर 1971 ई के बांग्लादेश मुक्ति आंदोलन समय की है,जब वे हिन्दू थीं,लेकिन आज जब इन महिलाओं ने उसी जीप पर बैठकर फोटो खिंचवाई तो तब तक वो मुस्लिम बन चुकी थी..!!#HinduSangathanRHS
Verification: The image of women posing with Rifles is not of Bangladesh Liberation War Story
The image of women posing with rifles is shared with false claims “The picture at the top is of four Bangladeshi freedom fighters taken in 1971, during the liberation war against West Pakistan. The photo below has been taken recently, 50 years on. The same women now in HIJAB in the same jeep, with the same rifles” in English and “बांग्लादेश में हिंदुओं पर अत्याचार. नीचे की तस्वीर 1971 ई के बांग्लादेश मुक्ति आंदोलन समय की है,जब वे हिन्दू थीं,लेकिन आज जब इन महिलाओं ने उसी जीप पर बैठकर फोटो खिंचवाई तो तब तक वो मुस्लिम बन चुकी थी.” in Hindi.
It’s not true. Check the links below to know the facts:
The fact is shared by Renan Ahmed on her Facebook account by sharing a video from NewsBangla24 telling that the picture is not of Liberation War Story. The image can also be found on the Bangladesh Old Photo Archive Facebook account. The photo is from the year 1961 as written on the post.
Rehana Ahmed’s comment on her post is “This picture was taken my my grandfather in 1961. My dadi who is on the front left passed away last year.the pic was re created in january of 2017. The intial picture was taken from my fb account 10 years ago.she has left behind loving childern, grandchilden and great grandchildren and most importantly lots and lots of stories of her, her struggles,achievement,tempory defeats,raing children and grandsons, her childhood in india, undivided bengal, language movement,1947 partion, east Bengal, the war for our independence and many more”.
The image of women posing with rifles can be seen here. with the caption “Women are posing with gun in a village trip. Bangladesh (1965) Photo courtesy- Renan Ahmed.”
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Bangladeshi Liberation War Freedom Fighters Converted To Muslims I Nokiye
Post Date: 05 April 2021
Post ID: #78545