(SPAM) AUSTAL Boat from Mumbai to Goa
This is a false message. There is no such news about an Austal Boat to start between Mumbai to Goa. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
Mumbai to Goa Boat Australian make boat name AUSTAL
Mumbai to Goa 8 hrs journey
Fair @Rs.1500/-per person approx.
Capacity of boat @400 seats
Volvo bus type seats
2017 pasun start honar ahe.
There is no such news about having an Austal boat service between Mumbai and Goa. Please find more details about Austal at the links below.
Mumbai to Goa by Sea:
Govt of Goa Department of Tourism says Sea route service is no longer available from June 2004 onwards
Other links:
Try a Google Search:
Post Date: 19 Dec 2016
Post ID: #1798
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