[SPAM] Answering The Call From Number “912250041117” Regarding COVID19 Vaccine Feedback Can Hack Your Phone
A fake message is shared on social media that says answering the call from 912250041117 regarding COVID vaccine feedback can hack a phone
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
Verification: A phone number with digits 912250041117 does not exist
People are receiving #COVID19Vaccine feedback calls from “912250041117”. Message posted on several social media platforms says answering the call can hack a phone. The claim is “People are receiving #COVID19Vaccine feedback calls from “912250041117”. A WhatsApp forward says answering the call can hack a phone.”
In fact, the number does not exist. DCP Cybercrime tweeted and rubbishes the message. PIB also clarified about the same fake message circulating to mislead people. Check the links shared below.
लोगों के व्हाट्सऐप ग्रुप में एक मैसेज घूम रहा है की ‘912250041117' से कॉल आती है और अगर आप वैक्सीन लगवा चुके हैं तो '1' का बटन दबाने के लिए कहा जाता है। लेकिन ऐसा करते ही फोन हैक हो जाता है।
? मैसेज फर्जी हैं। ऐसा कोई नंबर नहीं है।
? ना ही किसी के पास ऐसे नंबर से कॉल आई है। pic.twitter.com/l1B4kBrUg5
— IFSO/CCU Delhi Police (@DCP_CCC_Delhi) May 20, 2021
Scam Alert
People are receiving #COVID19Vaccine feedback calls from "912250041117". A WhatsApp forward says answering the call can hack phone#PIBFactCheck
▶️This is a #Fraud call
▶️"1921" is number used by Govt. of India for #COVID19Vaccine feedback?https://t.co/fpjhTtTpIx pic.twitter.com/f67YhXqlXV
— PIB Fact Check (@PIBFactCheck) May 22, 2021
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Answering The Call From Number “912250041117” Regarding COVID19 Vaccine Feedback Can Hack Your Phone I Nokiye
Post Date: 22 May 2021
Post ID: #78683