[SPAM] Interrupted Namaz Caused The Mob To Destroy The Railway Station
An old video of anti-CAA protesters is shared on social media with false claims that interrupted Namaz caused the mob to destroy the railway station
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
Mahishashur raillway station in murshidabad w.bengal being destroyed saying that sound of train whistle is disturbing their namaz
Verification: Interrupted Namaz did not cause the mob to destroy the railway station
An old video of anti-CAA protesters from the year 2019 is shared on social media with false claims that interrupted Namaz caused the mob to destroy the railway station. It is not true. The claim is “Mahishashur railway station in Murshidabad w.bengal being destroyed saying that sound of a train whistle is disturbing their namaz.” The video is from the year 2019 when anti-CAA protesters damaged the railway station and the railway track. Check the links shared below to know the facts:
Facebook posts with the caption “##Noapara Mahishasur railway station##Bangla jolche bah???
Jader naki akhon school CLG a porar age sei sob choto choto bacha chele ra akhon ai sob korche bahh?Chii??and “#CAB #बंगाल #Murshidabad#Noapara Mahishasur railway station इन्हें आप मासूम बच्चे कहेंगे ? इनकी आक्रामकता देखिए और फिर सोचिए…वैसे हिंदुओं के बच्चे तो अभी सांता क्लॉज बनने में व्यस्त हैं!! और हमें इससे लेना-देना ही क्या है…कौन सा हमें भारत में रहना है !!!रहना तो इन सभी को ही है..”हमाला” मुन्ना तो बला होकर “अंग्रेज” बनेगा.विदेश में पलाही कलेगा” और वहीं बस जाएगा.
सो नो टेंसन…हमें क्या पड़ी “भारत बचाओ” की” can be seen here and here.
The videos were shared in 2019. An article in Barataman Patrika with the caption “Fire in standing train, vandalism of many buses, attack on police station Murshidabad on the issue of citizenship” was published on 15th December 2019. Twitter users also shared the video in December 2019.
@AmitShah Station: Naopara Mahishasur
District: Murshidabad
State: You guessed it
Action: Expression of freedom
By: You got it pic.twitter.com/TRQ4FArHNC— GS SRIDHAR (@JaiBharatgss) December 17, 2019
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Interrupted Namaz Caused The Mob To Destroy The Railway Station I Nokiye
Post Date: 02 May 2022
Post ID: #80147