[SPAM] DMart Gives Free Gifts On The 20th Anniversary
The fake link is shared to mislead people with claims of free gifts from DMart on its 20th-anniversary celebrations
Post Information:
The below post has been circulating on social media
DMart 20th Anniversary Celebrations
Free Gifts For Everyone
Verification: DMart is not giving free gifts on its 20th anniversary
A fake link is shared on social media in the name of Indian Hypermarket Chain DMart. It is claimed that Dmart a company founded by Mr. Radhakishan Damani is giving free gifts for everyone on its 20th anniversary. The claim is fake. The link shared is misleading. Screenshots of each page are shared below while you open the link to the next instruction. In the last, it asks you to share the link in 5 WhatsApp groups and 20 friends. Such hoax was also shared earlier and was debunked by Check4Spam here.
Please don’t share the details and the link as it is a fake link. It does not take you to the authentic DMart site. DMart did not share any such offer on its official link. DMart is an Indian retail corporation that operates a chain of hypermarkets in India. It was founded by Radhakishan Damani in 2002, with its first branch in Powai’s Hiranandani Gardens. One of India’s largest retailers, DMart has seen its share price grow by 35% in the last year, going beyond its pre-COVID levels. Radhakishan Damani has a lot to be happy about as his retail venture DMart has now crossed ₹2 trillion in market cap. Radhakishan S Damani, investor, and promoter of the DMart supermarket chain has broken into the elite club of the top 100 global billionaires. Damani, who grew up in a single-room apartment in Mumbai, is now ranked 98th on the Bloomberg Billionaires Index with $19.2 billion as his net worth. The index is a daily ranking of the world’s richest people.
The point to be noted is when DMart started in 2002, it will complete 20 years in 2022 and not in 2021. The post and links shared are to mislead people on the name of the popular brand. These kinds of forwards and shares should be crosschecked on the official website of the concerned companies or organizations. The information is public on official sites. No authentic link would ask to share it with any group or people.
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DMart Gives Free Gifts On the 20th Anniversary I Nokia
Post Date: 24 Aug 2021
Post ID: #79103