[SPAM] Indians Are Drinking Poison And Not Milk And Can Suffer From Cancer
This video is circulating with wrong message saying that Indians are drinking poison and not milk and can suffer from cancer. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
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Below post has been circulating on social media.
As per #WHO India produces 14 crore liters of #Milk and sells around 50 +crores liters of #Milk. They say Indians are drinking #poison and not #Milk..due to such huge adulteration 87% of population in #India could suffer from #Cancer. I would Prefer to buy my own cow.
Share this video as much as possible to make our Indians brothers / sisters aware of this.
Bharuch is in Madhya pradesh and Ankleshwar is an industrial Estate. That is very clearly written on the drum on which this video is made. We can also see the words GIDC (Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation) Bharuch on the drum. There are many such industries that work with chemicals.
When we consulted Mr Asif Shekh, the owner of Mr. Clean products, he replied,
“I am a Phenyl Manufacturer, this video is given wrong caption just to make people fool and they are using social media to spread negative things or for being popular in shortcut. This video is just about manufacturing of white phenyl, not of making milk. The pin code 393002 is for the place called Ankleshwar industrial estate, Bharuch, Gujarat. It is clear oil and water composition and not milk. I am sure that this drum is Aromatic chemical Drum. This is just not related to milk anywhere. Aromatic chemical is used for color, pigment and for many chemical processes. The dark liquid in the video is mixed with water to make white phenyl. The composition of Phenyl is T.R.O (Turkey Red Oil) + Pine Oil + Water = Milky White Emulsion. Please stay away from such fake people on social media.”
We often buy Phenyl concentration for our homes or work place and then mix water before use. This is the same type of solution. People are misleading others by giving this video a different and wrong captions and description. We can also see the drops fallen on drum does not look like milk. Lets not just believe anything without inspecting about it. Check this video of White phenyl making. Read more.
Ankleshwar, also famous as Gujarat’s “City of Oil” is known for its industrial township called Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC). This city has over a thousand chemical plants, manufacturing products such as insecticide, pharmaceuticals, paints, and chemicals.Ankleshwar, also famous as Gujarat’s “City of Oil” is known for its industrial township called Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation (GIDC). This city has over a thousand chemical plants, manufacturing products such as insecticide, pharmaceuticals, paints, and chemicals.
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Adulteration of Milk | Nokiye.com
Post Date: 10 Oct 2018
Post ID: #69708
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