(SPAM) Hyderabad Police Ebola Alert Don’t Drink Contaminated Maaza Coke Pepsi
This is a hoax. There has not been any such case or incident reported by neither Hyderabad Police nor by NDTV as said in the post. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Important msg from Hyderabad police to all over India:
For the next few weeks do not drink any soft drink like Maaza, cococola, pepsi, mountain dew, sprite as a worker from one of these company has added his blood contaminated with Ebola virus . It ws shown yesterday on NDTV… Pls forward this msg urgently to people you care… Take Care!!
Other Similar Post…
प्लीज सभी मित्रो फोर्वर्ड करे. Hyderabad पुलिस की तरफ़ से पुरे भारत मे सूचना दि गयी है. क्रुपया आने वाले कुछ दिनो तक आप कोई भी कोल्ड ड्रिंक जैसे माज़ा, फैन्टा,7 अप, कोका कोला, mauntain डीओ, पेप्सी, इत्यादि न पिये क्यूकी इसमेसे एक कम्पनी के कामगार ने इसमे इबोला नामक खतरनाक वायरस का दूषित खून इसमे मिला दिया है . ये खबर कल NDTV चैनल मे बतायी थी. आप जल्द से जल्द इस मेसेज को फोर्वर्ड करके मदद करे . ये मेसेज आपके परिवार मे फोर्वर्ड करे . आप जितना हो सके इसे शेअर करे..धन्यवाद.
Its a clear hoax. This has been circulating for a while now. There has been no such incident reported nor did Hyderabad police or NDTV report any such incident or case.
The pictures used are of a factory seized at Pakistan during Jan 2016 for making fake cold drinks. Please find more details at the link below.
Police Raids Factory That Manufacture Fake Coca-Cola Products
Also read more at the link below.
Post Date: 3rd March 2017
Post ID: #67116
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