[SPAM] 26 जनवरी को जो मदरसा तिरंगा नही फहराएगा राष्ट्रगान नही गायेगा उसपर लगेगा ताला
The misleading post is shared on social media that states that Yogi government will shut down the Madrasas in UP which do not celebrate Republic Day on 26th Jan
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Below post has been circulating on social media
26 जनवरी को जो मदरसा तिरंगा नही फहराएगा राष्ट्रगान नही गायेगा उसपर लगेगा ताला
#योगी जी बाबा JCB वाले
?जय श्री राम?
Verification: There is no order issued by Yogi Government of shutting down Madrasas in UP
The misleading post is shared on social media that states that Yogi government will shut down the Madrasas in UP which do not celebrate Republic Day on 26th Jan.
According to an article in National Herald, The Uttar Pradesh Board of Madrasa Education has issued an advisory to all madrasas in the state to celebrate Independence Day with traditional fervour, but the missive has not gone down well with the representative teachers’ body. But there is no order issued by Yogi Government of shutting down of Madrasas in UP as the false post states on social media.
Read more @India Today
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26 जनवरी को जो मदरसा तिरंगा नही फहराएगा राष्ट्रगान नही गायेगा उसपर लगेगा ताला I Nokiye
Post Date: 20 Jan 2021
Post ID: #78259