(SPAM) 125,000 retired Income Tax officers aged 58-61 years have been recalled by Modi
This story has been circulating for long. No proof what so ever on mainstream media. We have classified this post as hoax.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
125,000 retired Income Tax officers aged 58-61 years have been recalled by Modi. They have 3 day training from 28-30 Nov and will be joining work on 1 Dec. What work they will do is All bank locker owners will be called between 1st Jan’17 & 15th Jan’17 by their respective banks. PAN card to be accompanied.
IT officials will take stock of the jewellery for evaluation.
Pl note this & don’t say you were not cautioned !!
Forwarded msg
Bank lockers going to be sealed in next 3 to 5 days. Then it can only be opened in front of IT revenue officer. Confirmed by banker just now.
Forwarded as received
Ok, we have waited enough to get some clue about this. This has been circulating for a long time, but absolutely no evidence what so ever from any authentic channel. Considering there are 1,25,000/- people involved and there is no news what so ever in mainstream media by itself is a proof that this is a hoax. We would like to declare this a hoax.
As on 18th Nov 2016 Government had said there is no plan to seal bank lockers. Please read more on that news at the link below.
Post date: 29 Nov 2016
Post ID: #1342
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