[SPAM] प्रधानमंत्री छात्रवृति योजना 2019
The post claiming Scholarship Form for 10th or 12th Open Now is circulating on social media with fake link. Please find more details in this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
*प्रधानमंत्री छात्रवृति योजना 2019*
*Scholarship Form for 10th or 12th Open Now*
*Scholarship Amount*
1.50-60% – Rs. 5000/-
2.60-80% – Rs. 10000/-
3.Above 80% – Rs. 25000/-*सभी 10th और 12th के बच्चो व उनके अभिभावकों को ये SMS भेजे ताकि सभी बच्चे इस योजना का लाभ ले सके*
*Click Here for Apply:*
✔️ Apply for Scholarship ✔
:heavy_check_mark: Apply For Scholarship :heavy_check_mark:
You have been invited to 10th & 12th Scholarship
Verification: This post is linked with a phony website
When any post about the scholarship is shared on social media, the students tend to be the victim of such posts. When you receive such post, be careful. It may not be taking you to the right website. As in this post, you can see the link provided is https://bit.ly/2l71tWl. The link takes you to Spoof website.
Government-run or government-sponsored scheme are generally hosted on a website with the url extension gov.in or nic.in. Always look for these words in any official government website.
The official website of the government of India is the National Portal of India (india.gov.in).
The actual link to apply for the scheme is www.ksb.gov.in.
We ensure that you are updated with the facts. Please Check4spam before forwarding and believing any doubtful image, message or video. Be cautious, be safe.
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प्रधानमंत्री छात्रवृति योजना 2019 | Nokiye
Post Date: 12 May 2019
Post ID: #72380