[SPAM] दिल्ली किसान मोर्चे में एक और किसान भाई शहीद हो गए
Photo from the year 2018 is shared on social media with false claims relating it to ongoing Farmers Protest
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
दुखी मन से बता रहा हूं।।।।
दिल्ली किसान मोर्चे में एक और किसान भाई शहीद हो गए , उनके इस शहादत को मै कोटि कोटि नमन करता हूँ
Verification: Image from 2018 is shared as from ongoing Farmers Protest at Delhi
Photo from the year 2018 is shared on social media with false claims that say “दुखी मन से बता रहा हूं।।।।दिल्ली किसान मोर्चे में एक और किसान भाई शहीद हो गए, उनके इस शहादत को मै कोटि कोटि नमन करता हूँ।” Some shared it With the hashtag #standwithfarmerschallenge
While searching the image on google it was found on Facebook shared by the Facebook user with the caption “This old man whose age is about 70 years old, his dead body has been found in Bohri Chowk of Tarn Taran, not identified. Please share so that his family can know.” The dates on the post are 2nd Sep 2018 and 3rd Sep 2018, can be seen here and here. Check the image from an old Facebook post shared below:
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दिल्ली किसान मोर्चे में एक और किसान भाई शहीद हो गए I Nokiye
Post Date: 26 Dec 2020
Post ID: #78150