[SPAM] औरंगजेब की मजार पर फूल चढ़ाते हुए मोदी जी
The clip of a video from 2017 when PM Modi paid tribute at the Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar in Myanmar, is shared with false claims
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औरंगजेब की मजार पर फूल चढ़ाते हुए मोदी जी
Verification: Video clip is from the year 2017 when PM Modi visited the Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar in Myanmar
A video and photograph of PM Modi visit to Bahadur Shah Zafar Tomb in Myanmar in the year 2017 is being shared on social media with claims “औरंगजेब की मजार पर फूल चढ़ाते हुए मोदी जी”, “Pm मोदी ने भी औरंगजेब के कब्र पर फूल चढ़ाया था।तब मीडिया इतना नहीं नाच रहा था जितना अकबरुद्दीन ओवैसी साहब के औरंगजेब के मजार पर जाने से नाच रहा है ll दोगला मीडिया।फिर चाचा क्या करने गये थे।” The video is also shared on Facebook with claim “औरंगज़ेब के बेटे की मज़ार पर फूल चढ़ाते हुए, एक पठान का बच्चा.” Where as Bahadur Shah Zafar, the Urdu poet and the last Mughal emperor, was the son of Akbar II, and not Aurangzeb.
In fact, the video shows PM Modi paying tribute at the tomb of the last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar in Myanmar. Check the youtube video shared below, published by Republic World on 7 Sept 2017 with the caption “PM Modi Pays Tribute At Tomb Of Bahadur Shah Zafar In Myanmar.” The news was also shared by TimesOfIndian with the video of PM Modi visiting the Tomb of Bahadur Shah Zafar in Myanmar. The clip from the video is being shared with false claims.
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औरंगजेब की मजार पर फूल चढ़ाते हुए मोदी जी I Nokiye
Post Date: 06 Jun 2022
Post ID: #80307