[SPAM] आज 10Rs.में चाय समोसा नही मिलता और…
Student housing image from Delhi NCR is shared as JNU hostel room. Please read more about it in verification section of this article.
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media
आज 10Rs.में चाय समोसा नही मिलता और… ://www.facebook.com/bharatvikaas2014/photos/a.404291923270861/952793938420654/?type=3&theater
Verification: PG accommodation room image is shared as JNU hostel room
The protest by JNU students on fee hike is on and along with it, fake information is also spreading with various false images and captions to mislead people.
On searching the cropped viral image, on google, with context “rooms for students in Delhi”, we found the following image. That is absolutely not the room from JNU (Jawahar Lal Nehru University Hostel). Please check the link and images shared:
Further we reached the link that showed the following image and information indicating that the images are from a PG Accommodation for students : Delhi NCR’s No.1 Luxury Student Housing
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आज 10Rs.में चाय समोसा नही मिलता और I Nokiye
Post Date: 26 Nov 2019
Post ID: #74489