[SPAM] सरकार ने देश में स्कूलों और कॉलेजों को फिर से खोलने की अनुमति
The fake post is shared on social media with claims about an order passed by the Home Ministry to open schools and colleges
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
सरकार ने देश में स्कूलों और कॉलेजों को फिर से खोलने की अनुमति
Verification: Home Ministry has not given any decision regarding the re-opening of schools and colleges as of now.
The fake post is shared on social media with claims about an order passed by the Home Ministry to open schools and colleges. Graphics of News channel AajTak is morphed and used to create confusion among people regarding the reopening of schools and colleges in the country. BoomLive found out the differences in real and fake graphics. On 27th May 2020, India Today clarified about the false information shared, as the fake message was viral with fake India News graphics. The message shared then and now is not true. Home Ministry, in its tweet, clarified about the fake information spread.on social media.
According to unlock-2, Ministry has announced not to open schools and colleges till 31st July 2020. There is no further information on the same from the Ministry as of now. Check the link below to know the truth:
Home Ministry has not taken any decision regarding the opening of schools and colleges as of now.
Claim: MHA permits all States to open schools.Fact: No such decision taken by MHA. All Educational institutions are still prohibited to open, throughout the country.#FakeNewsAlert#COVID19#IndiaFightsCoronavirus pic.twitter.com/mSWfIDWwNs
— Spokesperson, Ministry of Home Affairs (@PIBHomeAffairs) May 26, 2020
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सरकार ने देश में स्कूलों और कॉलेजों को फिर से खोलने की अनुमति I Nokiye
Post Date: 27 July 2020
Post ID: #77401