[SPAM] Crocodile Was Caught After Spouting Floodwater From The River Baitarani Entered Datapur Village
The video of a crocodile is shared on social media with false claims of being from Patna and Odisha
Post Information:
Below post has been circulating on social media.
Crocodile?? In Rajendra Nagar, Patna From Flood
Crocodile Was Caught After Spouting Floodwater From The River Baitarani Entered Datapur Village
Verification: Video of Crocodile is an old one from Vadodra Gujarat
The video was being shared earlier also on social media with false claims of it being from Patna and Odisha. OTV shared clarification on its youtube and said that the video is not from any state or village from Odisha. It was also clarified by India Toady. It was fact-checked by AFP and was found to be from Vadodra, a city in Gujarat. The same video is again shared with false claims on WhatsApp and other social media.
The news about the Chilling Crocodile Rescue From Flooded Street In Gujarat was shared on NDTV youtube on 3rd Aug 2019. Check the video below:
Check the following video that was shared by Brother’s channel and it says Gujrat video viral.
Check the screenshots shared from the Brother’s channel, NDTV and the viral video with false claims:
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Crocodile Was Caught After Spouting Floodwater From The River Baitarani Entered Datapur Village I Nokiye
Post Date: 28 Aug 2020
Post ID: #77609