This is a hoax about Sylvester Stallone death. There was a similar hoax about his death during 2016. Please find more details...
This is not true. There has been no such announcement or notification from RBI. Please find more details at the verification section...
The post circulating saying Dr. PV Gangadharan's advices about prevention and cure of Cancer is fake. Please find more details at the...
The post stating that ISIS sending out people to infect citizens with H.I.V Virus is a hoax . Please read the post...
WhatsApp becoming a paid app posts circulating on social media is a SCAM. Please find more details at the verification section of this...
The post regarding the circulation of fake 2000 rupee notes is a hoax. It is a manipulated version of a letter published...
The post regarding the indoor plant being poisonous has been found as circulating since 2015, and it was proved to be a...
The post circulating saying a link with name Martinelli link is Blue Whale Challenge is a hoax. Please find more details at...
This post circulating says India has 579092 VIPs, while the other countries have a lesser number. It's not true. More info at...
This has been found as circulating since 2007, and in 2014 was reported by the New Zealand police as a hoax and hence...