[SPAM] Call Childline 1098 To Get Leftover Food Collected
This is a fake post circulting with wrong claims about childline number 1098. Please find more details at the verification section of this article.
Post Information:
The following post about CHILDLINE 1098 has been circulating on social media
Good News In india: As announced by PM Modi-If you have a function/party at your home and when you see lots of food may get wasted,Pls don’t hesitate to call 1098 (ANYWHERE IN INDIA ONLY) – child helpline.They will come and collect the food…Please circulate this message which can help feed many children. PLEASE DON’T BREAK THIS CHAIN,
“Helping hands are better than Praying Lips”
Copy n paste takes only few seconds..
Verification: 1098 is a 24-hour emergency helpline for street children in distress created by the CHILDLINE India Foundation.
This is a wrong message circulating on social media. The number is not to get your leftover food collected. 1098 is an emergency number provided by Childline India Foundation for children in distress.
Childline website has issued a message at their home page warning about this SPAM. Please find the screenshot below.
Please note that CHILDLINE 1098 is a genuine number for CHILD CARE. Please find more details about CHILDLINE at our below post.
Post date: 6th Nov 2016
Post ID: #986
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Call Childline 1098 To Get Leftover Food Collected | Nokiye