The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
A video of boats performing the Dragon dance in China is being shared from Kerala on social media. Please read more about...
An edited image is shared on social media with claims that say China plants chicken organs in other animals for faster eggs...
The morphed image of Karl Marx Statue is shared on social media with false claims. Please read more about it in the...
Video of 2011 Japan Tsunami is shared falsely as from China on social media. Please read more about it in the verification...
The post is viral on social media with false claims that Defense uniforms used to come from China, Taiwan and Korea, will...
An old video is shared as recent with false claims that says China is preparing to attack Taiwan. Please read more about...
Morphed image of PM Modi with Xi Jinping is shared with false claims of Modi worshipping him on social media. Please read...
Fake post with the claim "Japanese Professor Tasuku Honjo says COVID-19 is not natural" is shared on social media. Please read more...