The fake post is shared with claims about . Please read more about it in the verification section of this article.
The post is from the satire website "SW" and is circulating on social media. Please read more about it in the verification...
This is a fake post circulating about a Saudi man buying Jet for son. The post was shared on a Satire website....
This is a fake post circulating. It is a fictional article written by the Satire website "World News Daily Report". Please read...
The post circulating on social media with claim that "The Japanese government has decided to dispose of all the microwave ovens" is...
It's an image with wrong and misleading caption saying "Police Officer Sexually Assaulted by Kangaroo". Please find more details at the verification... is a satire website. It assumes all responsibility for the satirical and fictional nature of its articles and its contents.
"World News Daily Report" is satire and assumes all responsibility for the satirical nature of its articles and for the fictional nature...